finally thanks Lord

missing "A Christmast" really here.

yesterday, God answer my pray
a question that i always ask to God,
i begged,
i cried,
i hope and always wait for God answer my question.

finally, thankyou Lord,
“Tetapi jawab Tuhan kepadaku: “Cukuplah kasih karunia-Ku bagimu, sebab justru dalam kelemahan lah kuasa-Ku menjadi sempurna.”"Sebab itu terlebih suka aku bermegah atas kelemahanku, supaya kuasa Kristus turun menaungi aku
i believe, You never forget to remember my wish
You never answer my question lately
You never make a bad thing happen to my life
Because, You know the best, really, for me and my life.

Thankyou Lord!
