finally thanks Lord
missing "A Christmast" really here.
yesterday, God answer my pray
a question that i always ask to God,
i begged,
i cried,
i hope and always wait for God answer my question.
finally, thankyou Lord,
You never answer my question lately
You never make a bad thing happen to my life
Because, You know the best, really, for me and my life.
Thankyou Lord!
yesterday, God answer my pray
a question that i always ask to God,
i begged,
i cried,
i hope and always wait for God answer my question.
finally, thankyou Lord,
“Tetapi jawab Tuhan kepadaku: “Cukuplah kasih karunia-Ku bagimu, sebab justru dalam kelemahan lah kuasa-Ku menjadi sempurna.”"Sebab itu terlebih suka aku bermegah atas kelemahanku, supaya kuasa Kristus turun menaungi aku”i believe, You never forget to remember my wish
You never answer my question lately
You never make a bad thing happen to my life
Because, You know the best, really, for me and my life.
Thankyou Lord!